Elvis Presley Boxing Style Concert Posters


Elvis Presley
Coming Home
Miss.- Ala Fair & Dairy Show
Concert Poster 1956

Tupelo, Mississippi
$25,000 Cash For 1956 Elvis Concert Posters
Call 303-670-3212

Date: september 26, 1956
Poster: Heavy Cardboard
Size: 22"x28"
Printer: Hatch Show Print, Nashville Tennessee

This was the homecoming Elvis Presley concert in Tupelo after Elvis had become famous. It was held on Wednesday, September 26, 1956 at the Mississippi – Alabama Fair & Dairy Show. Hatch Show Print printed the poster using wood block process. Hatch still uses the wood block printing process and has been in business since the late 1800s. Wood block printing is simple using read and blue ink on white paper but gives the poster a “old time” look to it. Meat and potatoes advertising. Two hundred of the posters were printed and were shipped by Greyhound Bus to each venue city from Nashville to advertise the concert. The poster was used to advertise for concerts in Florida – Jacksonville, Florida, Miami, Tampa, and Lakeland. In May 1956 this poster was used at the Frontier Theater in Las Vegas. The concert poster was also used in Wichita and Topeka, Kansas and other cities across the U.S. the promote Elvis’ upcoming concerts. The promoters used the same concert shell but would update the recent released songs or album that they were promoting. I will pay $25,000 for any of these 1956 original Elvis concert posters.


Elvis Presley
Coming Home
Topeka Municipal Auditorium
Concert Poster 1956

Topeka, Kansas
$25,000 Cash For 1956 Elvis Concert Posters
Call 303-670-3212

Date: May 21, 1956
Poster: Heavy Cardboard
Size: 22"x28"
Printer: Hatch Show Print, Nashville Tennessee

This original May 21, 1956 Elvis Presley concert poster came from the Municipal Auditorium in Topeka,Kansas. This concert poster has a very similar layout to the September 1956 Elvis poster from Tupelo,except notice how Hatch Show print used different song titles and wording to describe the upcoming shows. The concert promoters were trying to plug Elvis’ latest hits by mentioning it in the poster. Also take note how on the Topeka poster Elvis was touted as “the nations only atomic powered singer”…pretty cool. They same Elvis Presley concert poster blank was used to advertise his August 1956 Florida tour as well as his midwest tour of the same year.

$25,000 Reward For Elvis Boxing Style Concert Posters


We pay cash
1956 Elvis Presley concert Posters.

Any condition accepted.

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