Fillmore West 8/27-9/1/68

Catalog No. BG-134

Lee Conklin designed this very famous poster, and the image also was used for a Santana album cover. The detail in this poster is simply amazing, and the imagery is both sublime and complicated. While others might disagree, we feel that this is the pinnacle of Conklin's poster design in the Bill Graham series. For some reason, when the original posters were printed, virtually all of them had some wrinkles in the paper at the top. These wrinkles can vary from a couple, to seven or so. The posters were printed in such a way that the wrinkles are hard to see, and while we do not feel that they change the grade, for accuracy we always mention them.

The original poster was printed on uncoated index stock and measures approximately 14″ x 21″.

The second print poster was printed on glossy-coated stock and measures approximately 14″ x 21″. There is a small script “w” at the far right end of the ticket outlet strip at the bottom of this printing.

The postcard comes in two varieties, both of which measure approximately 4½″ x 7″:

The Type A card does not exist.

The Type B card has a blank square on the reverse side.

A double postcard was also printed. This card bears the images of both BG-134 and 135 and measures approximately 7″ x 9¼″. It has a bulk rate permit on the back. In addition, some copies were addressed and mailed to people on the mailing list.


Original Poster

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Original Poster
Condition: Near Mint -
Notes: Minor corner bends and a small, light tape pull on the back. Signed by Lee Conklin If this were any better, it would run $12,500!



Second Print Poster






Postcard - Type B



Original Concert Ticket Set
Condition: Near Mint
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