Avalon Ballroom 9/15-17/67

Catalog No. FD-81

This scarce first print poster designed by Victor Moscoso is known as the “Mist Dance.” His use of color to capture the viewer’s attention is marvelous. The band names are hidden among the dancers, requiring a closer look. 

The original poster was printed on uncoated index stock and measures approximately 14″ x 20″ The white lettering that reads “Moscoso” and the right quarter of the ticket outlet strip is even and unbroken.

The second print poster was printed on uncoated index stock and measures approximately 14″ x 20″. The white lettering that reads “Moscoso” and the right quarter of the ticket outlet strip is broken and not visible where the background is orange.

Another reprint matches the second print in terms of the ticket outlet markings, but was printed on semi-glossy stock. This reprint measures approximately 14″ x 20″.

The postcard comes in three varieties, all of which measure approximately 5″ x 7″:

The Type A card has a “place stamp here” reverse.

The Type B card has a bulk rate permit on the back.

The Type C card has a bulk rate permit on the back and was mechanically addressed and sent to people on the Family Dog mailing list.



Original Poster

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Original Poster
Condition: Near Mint



Original Poster



Second Print Poster
Condition: Near Mint



Postcard Proof Sheet
Condition: Near Mint



Postcard - Type A
Condition: Near Mint
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